- Publicaciones en revistas y libros
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez. Tratamiento asintótico de algunos
problemas en elasticidad de placas y vigas.
Univ. de Santiago de Compostela, 1991. (ISBN 84-604-0523-0)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Justification asymptotique d'un modele thermoelastique lineaire pour les poutres.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 313, Serie I, pp. 813 - 816, 1991.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, P. Quintela Estevez.
The effect of different scallings
in the modelling of nonlinearly elastic plates with rapidly varying thickness.
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 96, pp. 1 - 24, 1992.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño. Asymptotic derivation of an
evolution thermoelastic model for linear rods.
En "Computational and Applied Mathematics II: Differential
equations" (W.F. Ames, P.J. Van der Houwen, eds.), pp. 3 - 13, Elsevier
North-Holland, 1992. (ISBN 0-444-89702-X)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño. Derivation of an
evolution model for nonlinear elastic beams by asymptotic expansion methods.
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 115, pp. 93 - 109, 1994.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño. Asymptotic justification of an
evolution linear thermoelastic model for rods.
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 115, pp. 53 - 66, 1994.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño. Un modele asymptotique
pour les poutres non symetriques.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 323, Serie I, pp. 559 - 564, 1996.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño. Modeling and
optimization of a non-symmetric plate.
ESAIM: Proc., Vol. 2, pp. 215 - 224, 1997.
(Electronic journal URL:
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. R. Rodriguez, J. M. Viaño.
Asymptotic modeling of genuinely clamped beams.
En "Shells: Mathematical
modelling and scientific computing" (M. Bernadou, P.G. Ciarlet, J.M. Viaño,
eds.), pp. 17 - 20, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1997. (ISBN 84-8121-640-2)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. R. Rodriguez, J. M. Viaño.
Quelques modeles asymptotiques pour les poutres purement encastrees.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 324, Serie I, pp. 1425 - 1430, 1997.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Modeling and optimization of non symmetric plates.
RAIRO Math. Model. Num. Anal., 31, pp. 733 - 763, 1997.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. R. Rodriguez, J. M. Viaño.
Genuinely clamped beams.
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 158, pp. 375 - 388, 1998.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. R. Rodriguez, J. M. Viaño.
New models for rods with genuinely clamped ends.
Applicable Analysis, 68, pp. 395 - 408, 1998.
J. A. Alvarez Dios,
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
New models for bending and torsion of variable cross section rods.
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 79, pp. 835 - 853, 1999.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez.
Modelling and control of natural convection in canned foods.
IMA J. Appl. Math., 63, pp. 247 - 265, 1999.
A. Martinez, F. Aguado Agelet, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez,
J. M. Hernando,
D. Mosteiro. Optimal tranmsmitter location in an indoor wireless system
by Nelder-Mead method.
Microwave Opt. Technol. Letters, 27, pp. 146 - 148, 2000.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Asymptotic modelling of a non-symmetric beam.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 126, pp. 433 - 447, 2000.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez,
A. Samartin, J. M. Viaño.
Mathematical model for elastic beams with longitudinally variable depth.
Asymptotic Analysis, 27, pp. 75 - 93, 2001.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez,
M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Numerical convergence for a sewage disposal problem.
Appl. Math. Modelling, 25, pp. 1015 - 1024, 2001.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Mathematical analysis of the optimal location of wastewater outfalls.
IMA J. Appl. Math., 67, pp. 23 - 39, 2002.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
A wastewater treatment problem: study of the numerical convergence.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 140, pp. 27 - 39, 2002.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Numerical optimization for the location of wastewater outfalls.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 22, pp. 399 - 417, 2002.
F. Aguado Agelet, A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Hernando,
A. Formella. Optimization methods
for optimal transmitter locations in a mobile wireless system.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 51, pp. 1316 - 1321, 2002.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Bermudez, A. Martinez,
C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Application of the optimal control theory to the wastewater elimination problem.
Rev. R. Acad. Ciencias, Serie A: Mat. (RACSAM), 96, pp. 283 - 298, 2002.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Modelling and optimization for the location of wastewater outfalls in a sewage disposal system.
Thalassas, 19(2a), pp. 137 - 138, 2003.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. Marta, A. Martinez.
Sterilization of canned viscous foods: an optimal control approach.
Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 14, pp. 355 - 374, 2004.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Mathematical model for optimal control in wastewater discharges: The global performance.
C. R. Biologies, 328, pp. 327 - 336, 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
The water conveyance problem: Optimal purification of polluted waters.
Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 15, pp. 1393 - 1416, 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez,
M. A. Vilar.
Optimal location of sampling points for river pollution control.
Math. Comput. Simul., 71, pp. 149 - 160, 2006.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Numerical optimization for the purification of polluted shallow waters.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 189, pp. 191 - 206, 2006.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Mathematical modelling and numerical optimization in the process of river pollution control.
En "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications" (A. Bermudez, D. Gomez,
P. Quintela, P. Salgado, eds.), pp. 1040 - 1048, Springer, 2006. (ISBN 978-3-540-34287-8)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal shape design for fishways in rivers.
Math. Comput. Simul., 76, pp. 218 - 222, 2007.
- A. Formella, F. Aguado Agelet, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, H. Neufeldt.
Optimisation of the antenna placement for an airport surveillance system.
Int. J. Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 2, pp. 209 - 215, 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal operation for a river fishway.
PAMM: Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 7, pp. 2060033 - 2060034, 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal reclamation of polluted rivers.
PAMM: Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 7, pp. 2060055 - 2060056, 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, E. Balsa Canto, A. Martinez.
Optimal management and design of a wastewater purification system.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006"
(L.L. Bonilla, M. Moscoso, G. Platero, J.M. Vega, eds.),
pp. 795 - 800, Springer, 2008. (ISBN 978-3-540-71991-5)
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. Aguado Agelet, E. Balsa Canto.
Optimization methods for a wifi location system.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006"
(L.L. Bonilla, M. Moscoso, G. Platero, J.M. Vega, eds.),
pp. 838 - 842, Springer, 2008. (ISBN 978-3-540-71991-5)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
An optimal shape problem related to the realistic design of river fishways.
Ecol. Eng., 32, pp. 293 - 300, 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez,
F. J. Fernandez, R. Muñoz Sola.
Analysis of a multistate control problem related to food technology.
J. Differ. Equations, 245, pp. 130 - 153, 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Vertical slot fishways: Mathematical modeling and optimal management.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 218, pp. 395 - 403, 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Fishway design: An application of the optimal control theory.
En "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications"
(K. Kunish, G. Of, O. Steinbach, eds.),
pp. 581 - 588, Springer, 2008. (ISBN 978-3-540-69776-3)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, E. Balsa Canto, A. Martinez. Optimal design and operation
of a wastewater purification system.
Math. Comput. Simul., 79, pp. 668 - 682, 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, R. Muñoz Sola.
Mathematical analysis of a three-dimensional eutrophication model.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 349, pp. 135 - 155, 2009.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
An application of optimal control theory to river pollution remediation.
Appl. Numer. Math., 59, pp. 845 - 858, 2009.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
A realistic example of environmental control: Optimization of river fishways.
Bol. Soc. Esp. Mat. Apl., 47, pp. 7 - 22, 2009.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, R. Muñoz Sola.
A three-dimensional eutrophication problem: Analysis and control.
En "Integral Methods in Science and Engineering,
Vol. 2: Computational Methods" (C. Constanda, M.E. Perez, eds.),
pp. 21 - 31, Birkhauser, 2010. (ISBN: 978-0-8176-4896-1)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, I. Lopez, A. Martinez.
An Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation for a 3D eutrophication model in a moving domain.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 366, pp. 319 – 334, 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Optimal management of a bioreactor for eutrophicated water treatment: A numerical approach.
J. Sci. Comput., 43, pp. 67 – 91, 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Multi-objective Pareto-optimal control: An application to wastewater management.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 46, pp. 135 - 157, 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Flow regulation for water quality restoration in a river section: Modeling and control.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 234, pp. 1267 - 1276, 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez.
Optimal control of a bioreactor.
Appl. Math. Comput., 216, pp. 2559 - 2575, 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Pareto-optimal solutions for a wastewater treatment problem.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 234, pp. 2193 - 2201, 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Management of several purifying plants in the same area: A multi-objective
optimal control problem.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008"
(A.D. Fitt, J. Norbury, H. Ockendon, E. Wilson, eds.), pp. 691 - 696,
Springer, 2010. (ISBN: 978-3-642-12109-8)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Numerical optimization of a bioreactor for the treatment of eutrophicated water.
En "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2009"
(G. Kreiss, P. Lotstedt, A. Malqvist, M. Neytcheva, eds.), pp. 77 - 85,
Springer, 2010. (ISBN: 978-3-642-11794-7)
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control for river pollution remediation.
En "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2009"
(G. Kreiss, P. Lotstedt, A. Malqvist, M. Neytcheva, eds.), pp. 627 - 635,
Springer, 2010. (ISBN: 978-3-642-11794-7)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal control in wastewater management: A multi-objective study.
Comm. Appl. Industrial Math., 1(2), pp. 62 - 77, 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
SOS: A numerical simulation toolbox for decision support related to
wastewater discharges and their environmental impact.
Environ. Model. Software, 26, pp. 543 - 545, 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Analysis of a time optimal control problem related to the management of a bioreactor.
ESAIM: Control Optim. Calc. Var., 17, pp. 722 - 748, 2011.
M. A. Vilar, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimizing water quality in a river section. En
"Integral Methods in Science and Engineering. Computational and analytical aspects"
(C. Constanda, P.J. Harris, eds.), pp. 391 - 402,
Birkhauser, 2011. (ISBN: 978-0-8176-8237-8)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
The importance of design in river fishways.
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 9, pp. 6 - 10, 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, J. J. Judice, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Fishway optimization revisited. En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2010"
(M. Gunther, A. Bartel, M. Brunk, S. Schoeps, M. Striebel, eds.), pp. 545 - 551,
Springer, 2012. (ISBN 978-3-642-25099-6)
A. W. Pollak, J. J. Peirce, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Methodology for identifying optimal locations of water quality sensor in river systems.
Environ. Model. Assess., 18, pp. 95 - 103, 2013.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Improving the environmental impact of wastewater discharges with a
specific simulation-optimization software.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 246, pp. 320 - 328, 2013.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. J. Judice, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
On the optimal design of river fishways.
Optim. Eng., 14, pp. 193 - 211, 2013.
N. Garcia Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
On optimal location and management of a new industrial plant: numerical simulation and control.
J. Franklin Institute, 351, pp. 1356 - 1371, 2014.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, A. W. Pollak, J. J. Peirce.
Optimal location of river sampling stations: A case study.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2012"
(M. Fontes, M. Gunther, N. Marheineke, eds.), pp. 39 - 45,
Springer, 2014. (ISBN 978-3-319-05364-6)
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal shape design of wastewater canals in a thermal power station.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2012"
(M. Fontes, M. Gunther, N. Marheineke, eds.), pp. 59 - 64,
Springer, 2014. (ISBN 978-3-319-05364-6)
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Location and management of a new industrial plant.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2012"
(M. Fontes, M. Gunther, N. Marheineke, eds.), pp. 341 - 346,
Springer, 2014. (ISBN 978-3-319-05364-6)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Optimal control of eutrophication processes in a moving domain.
J. Franklin Institute, 351, pp. 4142 - 4182, 2014.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, F. J. Fernandez.
Optimal control in moving domains: An application to eutrophication.
En "Engineering Optimization IV"
(H. C. Rodrigues et al, eds.), pp. 609 - 614,
CRC Press, 2014. (ISBN 978-1-138-02725-1)
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Stackelberg strategies for wastewater management.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 280, pp. 217 - 230, 2015.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
An application of interactive multi-criteria optimization to air pollution control.
Optimization, 64, pp. 1367 - 1380, 2015.
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal location of green zones in metropolitan areas to control the urban heat island.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 289, pp. 412 - 425, 2015.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Optimal control of partial differential equations by means of Stackelberg strategies: an environmental application.
En "Integral Methods in Science and Engineering. Theoretical and computational advances"
(C. Constanda, A. Kirsch, eds.), pp. 643 - 655,
Birkhauser, 2015. (ISBN: 978-3-319-16726-8)
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
A 3D optimal control problem related to the urban heat islands.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 446, pp. 1571 - 1605, 2017.
A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
A local regularity result for Neumann parabolic problems with nonsmooth data.
Indagat. Math., 28, pp. 494 - 515, 2017.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Numerical simulation of air pollution due to traffic flow in urban networks.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 326, pp. 44 - 61, 2017.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, G. Casal, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
A novel formulation for designing a monitoring strategy: Application to the design of a river quality monitoring system.
Environ. Model. Assess., 22, pp. 279 - 289, 2017.
N. Garcia Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Numerical simulation for evaluating the effect of traffic restrictions on urban air pollution.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016", (P. Quintela et al., eds.),
pp. 367 - 373, Springer, 2017. (ISBN 978-3-319-63081-6)
A. Martinez, F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
Water artificial circulation for eutrophication control.
Math. Control Rel. Fields, 8, pp. 277 - 313, 2018.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal control of urban air pollution related to traffic flow in road networks.
Math. Control Rel. Fields, 8, pp. 177 - 193, 2018.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Sediment minimization in canals: An optimal control approach.
Math. Comput. Simul., 149, pp. 109 - 122, 2018.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control of sediment in irrigation canals.
En "23rd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics",
pp. 832 - 836, IEEE, 2018. (ISBN: 978-1-5386-4324-2).
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, G. Casal, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Mathematical modelling for an optimal monitoring design in quality control of traffic.
En "EngOpt 2018 Proceedings" (H.C. Rodrigues et al., eds.), pp. 342 - 351, Springer, 2019.
(ISBN: 978-3-319-97772-0).
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control of phytoremediation techniques for heavy metals removal in shallow water.
En "EngOpt 2018 Proceedings" (H.C. Rodrigues et al., eds.), pp. 352 - 360, Springer, 2019.
(ISBN: 978-3-319-97772-0).
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. Vilar.
Heavy metals phytoremediation: First mathematical modelling results.
En "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2017"
(F.A. Radu et al., eds.), pp. 819 - 827, Springer, 2019. (ISBN: 978-3-319-96414-0).
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Urban heat island effect in metropolitan areas: An optimal control perspective.
En "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2017"
(F.A. Radu et al., eds.), pp. 829 - 837, Springer, 2019. (ISBN: 978-3-319-96414-0).
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Optimal management of an urban road network with an environmental perspective.
Comput. Math. Appl., 77, pp. 1786 - 1797, 2019.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Mathematical analysis and optimal control of heavy metals phytoremediation techniques.
Appl. Math. Model., 73, pp. 387 - 400, 2019.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control of heavy metals phytoremediation.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018" (I. Farago et al., eds.), pp. 461 - 467, Springer, 2019. (ISBN: 978-3-030-27549-5).
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Environmentally optimized management of urban road networks.
En "Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018" (I. Farago et al., eds.), pp. 453 - 459, Springer, 2019. (ISBN: 978-3-030-27549-5).
F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
A nonlinear problem related to artificial circulation in a lake.
En "Nonlinear Analysis and Boundary Value Problems 2018 - NABVP 2018" (I. Area et al., eds.), pp. 157 - 175, Springer, 2019. (ISBN: 978-3-030-26986-9).
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez.
Mathematical analysis and numerical resolution of a heat transfer problem arising in water recirculation.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 366, 112402, 2020
(Corrigendum en: 375, 112859, 2020).
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez.
On existence and uniqueness of solution for a hydrodynamic problem related to water artificial circulation in a lake.
Indagat. Math., 31, pp. 235 - 250, 2020.
N. Garcia Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Designing an ecologically optimized road corridor surrounding restricted urban areas: A mathematical methodology.
Math. Comput. Simul., 190, pp. 745 - 759, 2021.
N. Garcia Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Bilevel optimal control of urban traffic-related air pollution by means of Stackelberg strategies.
Optim. Eng., 23, pp. 1165 - 1188, 2022.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal Location of Exit Doors for Efficient Evacuation of Crowds at Gathering Places.
Axioms, 11(11), 592, 2022.
F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
Controlling eutrophication by means of water recirculation: An optimal control perspective.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 421, 114886, 2023.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimizing the design of an estuarine water quality monitoring network by optimal control techniques.
Environ. Model. Assess., 28, pp. 665 - 672, 2023.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez.
Mathematics for optimal design of sustainable infrastructures.
Euro-Mediterranean J. Environ. Integration, 9, pp. 989 - 996, 2024.
N. Garcia-Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
A nonconservative macroscopic traffic flow model in a two-dimensional urban-porous city.
Math. Comput. Simul., 233, pp. 60 - 74, 2025.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez. Preliminary numerical results in the optimization of bioenergy-intended raceway ponds. En "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2023, Vol. 2" (A. Sequeira et al., eds.), in press, Springer, 2025. (ISBN: 978-3-031-86168-0).
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez. Optimal design of an estuarine water health monitoring network by means of optimal control techniques. En "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2023, Vol. 2" (A. Sequeira et al., eds.), in press, Springer, 2025. (ISBN: 978-3-031-86168-0).
- Proceedings, actas y libros de resumenes de congresos
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Obtencion de un modelo de torsion termoelastico lineal en vigas por
metodos asintoticos.
XI CEDYA, Malaga, 1989.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño. Asymptotic derivation
of an evolution thermoelastic model for linear beams.
13 IMACS World Congress on Computation and
Applied Mathematics, Dublin (Irlanda), 1991.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Derivacion asintotica de un modelo evolutivo termoelastico lineal para vigas.
XII CEDYA, Oviedo, 1991.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Justificacion asintotica de un modelo de evolucion para vigas
elasticas no lineales.
XII CEDYA, Oviedo, 1991.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Asymptotic study of two problems in rod theory.
Junctions in Elastic Multistructures, Paris (Francia), 1991.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Modeling and optimization of a non-symmetric plate.
VIII Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier:
Elasticite, viscoelasticite et controle optimal, Lyon (Francia), 1995.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Modelado y optimizacion de una placa no simetrica.
XIV CEDYA, Vic (Barcelona), 1995.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. R. Rodriguez, J. M. Viaño.
Asymptotic modeling of genuinely clamped beams.
International Conference on Shells: Mathematical
modelling and scientific computing, Santiago de Compostela, 1997.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. R. Rodriguez, J. M. Viaño.
Vigas genuinamente empotradas.
XV CEDYA, Vigo (Pontevedra), 1997.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez.
Conveccion natural en alimentos envasados: Modelado y control.
XV CEDYA, Vigo (Pontevedra), 1997.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Viaño.
Modelado asintotico de vigas elasticas no simetricas.
XVI CEDYA, Las Palmas (Gran Canaria), 1999.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez. Modelado y
control de la conveccion natural en alimentos envasados.
NoLineal 2000, Almagro (Ciudad Real), 2000.
F. Aguado Agelet, A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, J. M. Hernando,
A. Formella. Optimization methods for optimal transmitter locations
in a mobile wireless system.
IEEE CEFC'2000, Milwaukee (USA), 2000.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M.E. Vazquez
Mendez. A wastewater treatment problem: Study of the numerical
IX ICCAM, Leuven (Belgica), 2000.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Bermudez, A. Martinez. Sterilization of canned
Free Boundary Problems in Industry, Cambridge (UK), 2000.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M.E. Vazquez
Mendez. Optimal location of wastewater outfalls.
ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, 2000.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M.E. Vazquez
Mendez. Comparison of different algorithms for optimal location of wastewater outfalls.
20th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization,
Trier (Alemania), 2001.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M.E. Vazquez
Mendez. Optimal location of wastewater outfalls by Nelder-Mead method.
ECCOMAS CFD 2001, Swansea (UK), 2001.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M.E. Vazquez
Mendez. Localizacion optima de emisarios submarinos.
XVII CEDYA, Salamanca, 2001.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M.E. Vazquez
Mendez. Localizacion optima de emisarios submarinos: Algunos algoritmos.
V Congreso de Metodos Numericos en Ingenieria y Ciencias, Madrid, 2002.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. Marta, A. Martinez. Optimal sterilization
process for canned viscous foods.
Int. Conf. on Computational and Mathematical
Methods in Science and Engrg. (CMMSE 2002), Alicante, 2002.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Modelling and optimization for the location of wastewater outfalls in a sewage
disposal system.
4th Symp. on Atlantic Iberian Continental Margin, Vigo, 2003.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. Marta, A. Martinez.
Sterilization of canned viscous foods: an application of the optimal control theory.
21st IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization,
Sophia Antipolis (Francia), 2003.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M.E. Vazquez Mendez.
Two optimal control problems related to the wastewater disposal problem.
Alcala 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Ecology (AICME II), Alcala de Henares (Madrid), 2003.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. Marta, A. Martinez. Optimizacion de procesos de
esterilizacion de alimentos viscosos enlatados.
XVIII CEDYA, Tarragona, 2003.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Un problema de depuracion de aguas costeras.
XVIII CEDYA, Tarragona, 2003.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. Marta, A. Martinez. Procesos optimos de
esterilizacion para alimentos viscosos envasados.
Congresso de Metodos Computacionais em Engenharia, Lisboa (Portugal), 2004.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
The water conveyance problem: An optimal control approach.
ECCOMAS 2004, Jyvaskyla (Finlandia), 2004.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. Marta, A. Martinez. Optimal control for viscous foods sterilization.
ECCOMAS 2004, Jyvaskyla (Finlandia), 2004.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Numerical optimization for the purification of polluted shallow waters.
XI ICCAM, Leuven (Belgica), 2004.
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez. Derivacion automatica aplicada a problemas de control
de contaminantes en aguas poco profundas.
XI Escuela J.-L. Lions Hispano-Francesa sobre Simulacion Numerica en Fisica
e Ingenieria, Cadiz, 2004.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal shape design for fishways in rivers.
Third IMACS Conference on Math. Model. and Comput. Meth. in Appl. Sci. and Eng. (Modelling 2005),
Pilsen (Republica Checa), 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Localizacion optima de puntos de muestreo para el control de la polucion en rios.
VII Congreso de Metodos Numericos en Ingenieria, Granada, 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal purification in a polluted shallow water area.
22nd IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization,
Turin (Italia), 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Mathematical modelling and numerical optimization in the process of river pollution control.
ENUMATH 2005, Santiago de Compostela, 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal control in shallow waters: Purification of polluted areas.
ENUMATH 2005, Santiago de Compostela, 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, C. Rodriguez. Pollution control in shallow water: An Automatic
Differentiation approach.
ENUMATH 2005, Santiago de Compostela, 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Some Optimal Design problems related to river fishways.
Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics,
Benasque, 2005.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Mathematical models in river fishways.
Marrakesh World Congress in Differential Equations and Applications, Marrakesh (Marruecos), 2006.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar. Vertical slot fishways:
Modeling and optimal management.
XII ICCAM, Leuven (Belgica), 2006.
F. Aguado Agelet, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, E. Balsa Canto, A. Martinez. Optimization methods for a
wifi location system.
ECMI 2006, Madrid, 2006.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, E. Balsa Canto, A. Martinez. Optimal management and design of
a wastewater purification system.
ECMI 2006, Madrid, 2006.
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, R. Muñoz. Mathematical analysis and numerical
resolution of a multistate optimal control problem related to the Boussinesq equations.
ICM 2006, Madrid, 2006.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar. Numerical
resolution of a shape optimization problem in hydraulic engineering.
ECCOMAS CFD 2006, Egmond aan Zee (Holanda), 2006.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal operation for a river fishway.
ICIAM 2007, Zurich (Suiza), 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal reclamation of polluted rivers.
ICIAM 2007, Zurich (Suiza), 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimization methods for river fishways.
Optimization 2007, Porto (Portugal), 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
A shape optimization problem in fishways: modeling and numerical resolution.
23rd IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization,
Cracovia (Polonia), 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
A hyperbolic boundary optimal control problem in river fishways.
13th IEEE IFAC International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics
(MMAR 2007), Szczecin (Polonia), 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Fishways design: An application of optimal control theory.
ENUMATH 2007, Graz (Austria), 2007.
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, R. Muñoz.
Problemas de control en procesos de eutrofizacion.
XX CEDYA, Sevilla, 2007.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia-Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Pareto-optimal solutions for a wastewater treatment problem.
ACOMEN 2008, Liege (Belgica), 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, R. Muñoz Sola.
Optimal control of eutrophication processes.
ECCOMAS 2008, Venecia (Italia), 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
River pollution remediation: an optimal control problem.
ECCOMAS 2008, Venecia (Italia), 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia-Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Management of several purifying plants in the same area: a multi-objective
optimal control problem.
ECMI 2008, Londres (UK), 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez.
Numerical optimization of a bioreactor: Mathematical modelling and optimal control.
ICCAM 2008, Ghent (Belgica), 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Flow regulation for water quality restoration in a river section:
mathematical modeling and optimal control.
ICCAM 2008, Ghent (Belgica), 2008.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, R. Muñoz Sola.
A three-dimensional eutrophication model: analysis and control.
10th International Conference on Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
(IMSE 2008), Santander, 2008.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control for river pollution remediation.
ENUMATH 2009, Uppsala (Suecia), 2009.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Numerical optimization of a bioreactor for the treatment of eutrophicated water.
ENUMATH 2009, Uppsala (Suecia), 2009.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
The importance of design in river fishways.
Ecological Engineering: from Concepts to Applications (EECA), Paris (Francia), 2009.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal remediation of polluted rivers: A control approach.
V International Conference on Inverse Problems, Control and Shape
Optimization (PICOF'10), Cartagena (Murcia), 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal control in wastewater management: A multi-objective study.
SIMAI 2010, Cagliari (Italia), 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimizing water quality in a river section.
11st International Conference on Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
(IMSE 2010), Brighton (UK), 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, J. J. Judice, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Fishway optimization revisited.
ECMI 2010, Wuppertal (Alemania), 2010.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, N. Garcia-Chan.
A numerical toolbox for decision support in wastewater management.
ECMI 2010, Wuppertal (Alemania), 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal strategies for treated sewage discharges: Economics vs. environmental protection.
2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization (EngOpt 2010), Lisboa (Portugal), 2010.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
SOS: Una nueva herramienta numerica de apoyo para la toma de decisiones medioambientales.
Congresso de Metodos Numericos em Engenharia (CMNE 2011), Coimbra (Portugal), 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Ubicacion optima de estaciones de muestreo en rios.
Jornadas RSME de Transferencia y Matematica Industrial, Santiago, 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Optimal operation of pre-dams for eutrophication control.
Optimization 2011, Caparica (Portugal), 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, J. J. Judice, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Sobre el diseño optimo de escalas de peces.
XXII CEDYA / XII CMA, Palma de Mallorca, 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, N. Garcia Chan, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Contaminacion atmosferica: una aplicacion del control multi-objetivo de EDPs.
XXII CEDYA / XII CMA, Palma de Mallorca, 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, N. Garcia Chan, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Improving the environmental impact of wastewater discharges with a
specific simulation-optimization software.
ACOMEN 2011, Liege (Belgica), 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M.E. Vazquez Mendez.
SOS, un software para optimizar las descargas de aguas residuales y medir su impacto medioambiental.
XLIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, San Luis Potosi (Mexico), 2011.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, N. Garcia Chan, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Air pollution and industry: A multi-objective optimization approach.
Optimization, Theory, Algorithms and Applications in Economics, Barcelona, 2011.
N. Garcia Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Control optimo multi-objetivo en un problema de contaminacion atmosferica.
XXII Escuela Nacional de Optimizacion y Analisis Numerico (ENOAN 2012),
Villahermosa (Mexico), 2012.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
A multi-objective approach to an atmospheric pollution problem.
Nonlinear Processes in Oceanic and Atmospheric Flows, Madrid, 2012.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Minimizing the environmental impact of wastewater discharges with SOS.
Nonlinear Processes in Oceanic and Atmospheric Flows, Madrid, 2012.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Location and management of a new industrial plant: Numerical simulation and control.
ECMI 2012, Lund (Suecia), 2012.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Air pollution and industrial plant location: A multi-objective optimization approach.
21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012), Berlin (Alemania), 2012.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Design of river fishways: A derivative-free optimization perspective.
21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012), Berlin (Alemania), 2012.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Multi-objective optimization for an air pollution problem.
ECCOMAS 2012, Viena (Austria), 2012.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Minimizing the environmental impact of wastewater discharges with SOS.
ECCOMAS 2012, Viena (Austria), 2012.
N. Garcia Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Diferentes estrategias en la toma de decisiones: analisis y aplicacion a problemas
de optimizacion medioambientales.
XLV Congreso Nacional Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, Queretaro (Mexico), 2012.
N. Garcia Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimizacion de Stackelberg en un problema de gestion de aguas residuales.
XXIII Escuela Nacional de Optimizacion y Analisis Numerico (ENOAN 2013),
Saltillo (Mexico), 2013.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
A multi-objective approach to controlling air pollution and planning a new industrial plant.
Congreso de Metodos Numericos en Ingenieria (CMN 2013), Bilbao, 2013.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal location of river sampling stations: A case study.
Congreso de Metodos Numericos en Ingenieria (CMN 2013), Bilbao, 2013.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Mathematical modelling of sedimentation in rivers and canals: an optimization approach.
15th Conf. of International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG 2013), Madrid, 2013.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Mathematical simulation and optimization of pre-dams for eutrophication control.
15th Conf. of International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG 2013), Madrid, 2013.
C. Rodriguez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Control optimo de la sedimentacion en rios y canales.
XXIII CEDYA / XIII CMA, Castellon, 2013.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
An application of multi-criteria optimization to air pollution control.
EURO mini-Conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences, Aveiro (Portugal), 2014.
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal location of green zones in metropolitan areas. ACOMEN 2014, Ghent (Belgica), 2014.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez. Controlling eutrophication in a moving domain.
11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, 2014.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control of sedimentation in rivers and canals.
International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2014), Seul (Corea), 2014.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Controlling eutrophication in a moving domain.
International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2014), Seul (Corea), 2014.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Optimal control of partial differential equations by using Stackelberg strategies: an environmental application.
13th International Conference on Integral Methods in Science an Engineering (IMSE 2014), Karlsruhe (Alemania), 2014.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, F. J. Fernandez.
Optimal control in moving domains: An application to eutrophication.
4th International Conference on Engineering optimization (EngOpt 2014), Lisboa (Portugal), 2014.
F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal control of urban heat islands.
XXIV CEDYA / XIV CMA, Cadiz, 2015.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
A computational framework for informing decision in relation to
environmental impact of wastewater discharges.
VI Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (Marine 2015), Roma (Italia), 2015.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Control of a urban heat island (UHI) by numerical simulation.
Congresso de Metodos Numericos em Engenharia (CMN 2015), Lisboa (Portugal), 2015.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Minimizing sedimentation in canals: A gradient-free approach.
Congresso de Metodos Numericos em Engenharia (CMN 2015), Lisboa (Portugal), 2015.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal design of canals in order to minimize sedimentation: Preliminary results.
27th European Conf. on Operational Research (EURO 2015), Glasgow (UK), 2015.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Minimizing the urban heat island effect in metropolitan areas.
27th European Conf. on Operational Research (EURO 2015), Glasgow (UK), 2015.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, G. Casal, A. Martinez.
Diseño de una tecnica de monitorizacion.
XII Congreso Galego de Estatistica e Investigacion de Operacions, Lugo, 2015.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Fanelli, C. Rodriguez.
Controlling heavy metals and cohesive sedimentation in canals.
8th Int. Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2015), Beijing (China), 2015.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Urban heat islands: An optimal control approach.
8th Int. Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2015), Beijing (China), 2015.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Numerical simulation of the urban pollution related to traffic flow.
ECMI 2016, Santiago de Compostela, 2016.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
On the minimization of the urban heat island effect in metropolitan areas.
6th Iberian Mathematical Meeting, Santiago de Compostela, 2016.
C. Rodriguez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
First results on the modelling of heavy metals phytoremediation.
6th Iberian Mathematical Meeting, Santiago de Compostela, 2016.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Modelling air pollution due to traffic flow in urban networks.
6th Iberian Mathematical Meeting, Santiago de Compostela, 2016.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
An optimal control problem related to the urban heat island effect: The three-dimensional case.
XXV CEDYA / XV CMA, Cartagena, 2017.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Vehicular traffic and air pollution in metropolitan areas: A mathematical approach.
Congreso de Metodos Numericos en Ingenieria (CMN 2017), Valencia, 2017.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Preliminary steps in the modelling of heavy metals phytoremediation.
Congreso de Metodos Numericos en Ingenieria (CMN 2017), Valencia, 2017.
N. Garcia Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Control optimo de contaminacion atmosferica en un area metropolitana.
Ampliacion de la red de avenidas.
VII Congreso Internacional de Metodos Numericos, Guadalajara (Mexico), 2017.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal control of urban air pollution related to traffic flow in road networks.
Optimal control of partial differential equations, Castro Urdiales, 2017.
A. Martinez, F. J. Fernandez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
Water artificial circulation for eutrophication control.
Optimal control of partial differential equations, Castro Urdiales, 2017.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Optimal management of an urban road network with an environmental perspective.
ACOMEN 2017, Gante (Belgica), 2017.
F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
Water artificial circulation for eutrophication control.
ACOMEN 2017, Gante (Belgica), 2017.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Heavy metals phytoremediation: First mathematical modelling results.
ENUMATH 2017, Bergen (Noruega), 2017.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Urban heat island effect in metropolitan areas: An optimal control perspective.
ENUMATH 2017, Bergen (Noruega), 2017.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Environmental fluids: optimal control and numerical methods.
MINAKE 2018, Madrid, 2018.
F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
Controlling eutrophication by water artificial circulation.
ECCM - ECFD 2018, Glasgow (UK), 2018.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control of heavy metals phytoremediation.
ECMI 2018, Budapest (Hungria), 2018.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Environmentally optimized management of urban road networks.
ECMI 2018, Budapest (Hungria), 2018.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control of sedimentation in irrigation canals.
MMAR 2018, Miedzyzdroje (Polonia), 2018.
F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
A nonlinear optimal control problem related to the management of an eutrophicated lake
using water artificial circulation.
Int. Conf. on Nonlinear Analysis and Boundary Value Problems (NABVP-2018), Santiago, 2018.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, G. Casal, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Mathematical modelling for an optimal monitoring design in quality control of traffic.
EngOpt 2018, Lisboa (Portugal), 2018.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal control of phytoremediation techniques for heavy metals removal in shallow water.
EngOpt 2018, Lisboa (Portugal), 2018.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Controlling heavy metals concentration in shallow water by phytoremediation methods.
EURO 2019, Dublin (Irlanda), 2019.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Optimization of
water artificial circulation for eutrophication control.
EURO 2019, Dublin (Irlanda), 2019.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez, M. A. Vilar.
Optimal phytoremediation methods for heavy metals removal.
CMN 2019, Guimaraes (Portugal), 2019.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, F. J. Fernandez, A. Martinez.
Minimizing eutrophication by water recirculation techniques.
CMN 2019, Guimaraes (Portugal), 2019.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez.
Control optimo medioambiental y control medioambiental optimo.
Seminario Control en Tiempos de Crisis 2020, 2020.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez.
Matematicas para el diseño optimo de infraestructuras sostenibles.
Congreso Bienal de la Real Sociedad Matematica Española (RSME2022), Ciudad Real, 2022.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Towards a more efficient evacuation of crowds by means of an optimal location of exit doors.
ADMOS 2023, Gotemburgo (Suecia), 2023.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Algal cultivation for bioenergy production: First mathematical modeling results in raceways.
ADMOS 2023, Gotemburgo (Suecia), 2023.
M. E. Vazquez Mendez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Gracia Chan, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez.
Mathematics for Optimal Design of Sustainable Infrastructures.
18th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST 2023), Atenas (Grecia), 2023.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal design of an estuarine water health monitoring network by means of optimal control techniques.
ENUMATH 2023, Lisboa (Portugal), 2023.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Preliminary numerical results in the optimization of bioenergy-intended raceway ponds.
ENUMATH 2023, Lisboa (Portugal), 2023.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal design of an ecological corridor surrounding restricted urban areas.
ECCOMAS 2024, Lisboa (Portugal), 2024.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimizing algal cultivation in raceway ponds for bioenergy production.
ECCOMAS 2024, Lisboa (Portugal), 2024.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimizing the design of an ecological road corridor.
FGS Conference on Optimization 2024, Gijon, 2024.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Algae for bioenergy: an optimal control approach.
FGS Conference on Optimization 2024, Gijon, 2024.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Design of an ecological road corridor surrounding restricted urban areas: an optimal control approach.
33rd Conf. on Operational Research (EURO 2024), Copenhagen (Dinamarca), 2024.
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Maximizing algal productivity in raceway ponds for bioenergy generation.
33rd Conf. on Operational Research (EURO 2024), Copenhagen (Dinamarca), 2024.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, N. Garcia Chan, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
The role of Mathematics in environmental sustainability.
6th Int. Conf. on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering (EGRWSE-2025), Vigo, 2025.
L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimization of an open-channel raceway pond for algal cultivation in bioenergy production.
ADMOS 2025, Barcelona, 2025.
- Preprints
A. Martinez, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, C. Rodriguez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
Optimal management of open-channel raceway ponds for cultivation of algal biomass for bioenergy production.
Preprint, 2024.
N. Garcia-Chan, L. J. Alvarez Vazquez, A. Martinez, M. E. Vazquez Mendez.
A multi-model study of the air pollution related to traffic flow model in a two-dimensional porous metropolitan area.
Preprint, 2025.